Two of the largest unions that represent employees at French ski resorts are contemplating “unlimited” strike action beginning on January 31. The issues in contention are pay, working conditions, and pension reforms.

When it hits ski resorts during one of the busiest times of the year for the business, it could be a disaster for skiers trying to get away during the February holiday season.

Thousands of people in France choose to hit the slopes during the holiday season, which lasts from 4 February to 4 March. Ski lift operators are subject to representation by Force Ouvrière (FO), which has declared an “indefinite strike” beginning on January 31.

A long-term notice of its intention to strike as of this date has been submitted by Confédération Générale du Travail (CGT), which also represents seasonal workers.

The continuation of strike action after January 31 is not certain, though. According to the present plan, ski lifts will run normally on February 1st, according to FO union head Eric Becker.

But more dates can be added if their demands for better pay and working conditions along with worries about pension reforms are not satisfied. The unions want the administration to talk about these concerns under pressure. Because requests are more heeded then, they made the decision to call for a strike over the February holidays.

In the run-up to the Ski World Cup, which will be held in Courchevel and Méribel from March 16 to 20, CGT has called for “particularly robust action.” The expectation is for rolling stoppages as opposed to a sudden closure of all ski lifts.

The industrial action is a part of sweeping nationwide strikes in France against pension reforms and a 62-year-old retirement age rise.

On January 19, more than 1 million people marched in more than 200 locations, causing disruptions to transportation, education, and the majority of the government. On several train lines, only one in ten services was running.

The measures are “fair and responsible,” according to President Emmanuel Macron. However, unions have called for yet another day of protest on January 31 in what they refer to as the “mother of all conflicts.”

This will mark the beginning of the lengthy strike by ski resort employees. Additionally, the two unions are requesting increased pay and unemployment insurance that is tailored to the need of seasonal workers.