Ever wanted to relocate to Italy? The Mediterranean nation is enticing to relocate to because of its sun-drenched coastline and relaxed way of life. However, relocating permanently there may entail a mound of paperwork and several months of unexpected delays.

Every year, when the Italian government reveals how many works permits it will issue to non-EU nationals, there is a gleam of hope.

The 2023 quota, which was released last week in the government’s Official Gazette, is 82,705 people. Considering that fewer than 67,000 permits will be issued in 2022, this is a huge increase over prior years.

Here are the industries that are being targeted this year and the requirements you must meet to realize your Italian aspirations. The “decreto flussi,” a government regulation outlining Italy’s yearly work permit limits and restrictions, is published each year. 44,000 of the 82,705 work permits that will be given out this year are set aside for seasonal jobs like fruit picking.

The remaining permits will be issued for year-round or independent work. Of the 38,705 total, 30,105 are set aside for particular industries. These consist of:

  • Road transport
  • Construction
  • Lodging and travel

Added in 2023:

  • Mechanics
  • Telecommunications
  • Food \ Shipbuilding

Remember that all international workers must also obtain a work visa and residence permission in addition to a permit. Only 500 licenses will be given to self-employed people in Italy in 2023, as in previous years.

Artists, businesspeople, and independent contractors are included. Although there will be more work permits issued this year than in prior years, stronger regulations have been put in place.

This year, before requesting permits for non-EEA workers, employers must confirm with the neighborhood job center that there are no suitable Italian citizens available to carry out non-seasonal labor. This does not apply to people who have received training overseas to work in Italy.

Applications for work permits will be accepted starting on March 27, 2023, or 60 days after the order is published in the Official Gazette.

Applications that receive no objections are automatically sent back to the worker’s home country within 30 days, where the Italian embassy or consulate will issue the visa in 20 days.

Italy authorized a new digital nomad visa at the beginning of 2022. The restrictions and requirements will have yet to be revealed in further detail. There doesn’t seem to be a cap on the number of digital nomad permits awarded each year, according to global mobility specialist Damien O’Farrell, who spoke with Euronews Travel last year.

However, he projected that there will be a lengthy list of restrictions, which could range from qualifications to a minimum income as the visa is intended for highly skilled professionals.

Visas are available to non-EU workers hired by an Italian company through the EU Blue Card. Although there is no quota, this option is less common because there are tight guidelines to follow.

Highly qualified non-EU citizens holding a legally binding work offer from an Italian company are eligible for the Blue Card. They must possess an undergraduate degree and make a minimum of €24,789 annually.

To demonstrate its ability to hire a foreign worker, the Italian company needs to have at least €50,000. This visa type is valid for two years, or for the length of the employment agreement.