The tourist sector must take the initiative in reestablishing its workforce by developing its own solutions to the nation’s housing issue, offering reasonable lodging alternatives, and creating strong incentives for workers to remain.

Due to the economy-wide workforce difficulties, tourist firms must be innovative in order to find ways to recruit and retain their staff.

This requires investing in solutions to the main problem, which is housing affordability for lower-income workers.

At this week’s ATEC Meeting Place conference in Cairns, Simon Kuestenmacher, Director  & Co-Founder of the renowned social data analytics consultancy agency The Demographics Group, will give a keynote presentation outlining his thoughts on how to rebuild the industrial workforce.

With a consistent stream of demand from foreign tourists over the next 50 years, Simon predicts a bright future for Australia’s export tourism sector. However, Simon contends that the crucial question is how operators can capitalize on this expansion.

Without employees, how can you provide a service to match this demand? According to Mr. Kuestenmacher, that is the tourist industry’s largest problem.

“Many people who work in the industry—hospitality staff, tour guides, and cleaning staff—are disproportionately young and frequently temporary workers, and at the moment, tourism businesses are struggling to draw them in, especially because these destinations are also the paradise-like hotspots that, since the creation of the COVID program, have become quite expensive to live in.

Australian tourism exporters will profit from a growing middle class looking for travel experiences over the coming decades, especially younger people from markets like India as well as visiting friends and family of new migrants.

“India has a huge number of young people and there is a great deal of growth left in the middle-class population, and these visitors will be looking for the kind of holiday proposition we have to offer – we are super safe, convenient, we a great deal of growth left in the middle-class population,” says a tourism expert.

The world has changed, and Australia once more offers an intriguing and alluring brand of outdoor adventure, environment, and lifestyle. Australian tourist companies can stop fretting about any post-Covid hangover.

The current difficulty is to make sure we can deliver on the promise. Since housing is the tourist industry’s largest concern, giving accommodation is a smart idea.

Bernard Salt and Simon co-founded The Demographics Group in 2017. The company offers specialized business advice on consumer, societal, and demographic trends.