As Indian aviation industry operations slowly return to pre-pandemic times, the Ministry of Civil Aviation has decided to relax some of the flight regulations related to COVID 19. The ministry has decided to increase the rule to reserve three free seats on international flights for medical emergencies.

The Ministry of India also decided to resume the rapid search of passengers by airport security personnel. Additionally, cabin crew members no longer need to wear TCP kits.

The country’s airline industry has been hit hard by the pandemic, most recently by the Omicron version of the virus. February saw a 20% increase in passenger air travel compared to January 2022, for a total of 76.96 lakhs of domestic passengers.

The Ministry of Civil Aviation of India has decided to loosen these flight rules to resume flight operations smoothly in the country. Normal international flight operations are expected to resume on March 27, 2022.

The ministry noted: “Airlines may carry additional PPE, disinfectants and N-95 masks to treat respiratory infections associated with flight accidents for both passengers and crew.”

However, it is still mandatory to wear masks and use hand hygiene disinfectants. Security personnel performing scans should wear N-95 masks and use hand sanitizer after each scan.