The COVID-19 limitations on incoming tour groups are being loosened, according to the Hong Kong government, which announced this on November 7. This includes enabling them to visit theme parks and museums after they are in the financial center.

Numerous onerous coronavirus regulations in Hong Kong have been loosened in recent months, including the need that foreign visitors to stay in quarantined hotels as of September 26.

However, new international visitors still need to undergo several coronavirus tests and are prohibited for the first three days from visiting places like sports clubs, pubs, and restaurants.

Without giving a start date, the administration announced that this month will see the implementation of particular measures for incoming visitors.

The appropriate conditions can promote the orderly, gradual restoration of the inbound travel sector and offer a more hospitable business climate for the travel industry, the administration claimed.

The announcement followed Hong Kong’s hosting of a high-profile finance meeting last week, at which more than 200 financial executives flying into the former British colony were excused from Hong Kong’s regulations for foreign arrivals.

Inconsistencies in government policy have been cited by many locals, who argue that limitations should be lifted uniformly for everybody.

The coronavirus limitations, which have been in place for over three years, have had a devastating effect on Hong Kong’s economy, leading to the closure of several small and medium-sized firms.