The airline’s shares are expected to fall 19 percent and the decline will continue, learns from Raleigh, led by Beroe, Inc. he said acceptance

 Many companies have partnered with meeting places and found that these are not meetings. Everyone should be at home. . People.

According to Beroe, before the global epidemic broke out, businessmen took half of the airline tax, nearly 1.7% of the country’s economy.

But for companies looking to save money and encounter regularly, Beroe researchers are seeing short-term and long-term results from air travel.

“Companies around the world are suffering from this plague. Therefore, low prices are the main goal for years to come.” It means reducing air travel, “said Anusree Mohan, chief inspector of Beroe. Life and security. “

The Raleigh-Durham (RDU) airline, air travel with 50% rest and 50% business travel, spokeswoman Stephanie Hawco told WRAL TechWire.

 “Our existing combination is about 65% break and 35% commercial.”

With the start of the pandemic and shortly thereafter, air travel to RUU was drastically reduced, Hawco told WRAL TechWire in March. Compared to 2019, approximately 14 million passengers will fly to the airport and 5 million by 2020, Hawco said.

Flights to the RDU are growing, Hawco said. Current data available since June 2021, published by the Raleigh-Durham Airport Authority, showed that the June flight has created a large number of airlines since the beginning of time. Infectious diseases until 2020.

More than 887,000 visitors passed through the airport in June, which is nearly 15 percent more than in May.