The US has introduced new travel regulations, and as such, all travel restrictions will be imposed on non-citizens, not immigrants.

The new trip update will be effective from November 8 onwards. Recent travel laws from the US President’s administration suggest that the passenger must be Covid-19 vaccinated and proof of vaccination will be required before entry.

In addition, travelers without vaccination, both Indonesian citizens and non-WNI, must take a test one day before entering the country. It is also important to note that foreigners who have not been vaccinated can enter the United States under extreme conditions.

According to a senior administration official, “Under this new international aviation system, foreigners will want to be fully vaccinated to fly to the U.S. High, increased contact monitoring, and incorporation of strong security. Scientific and public health systems are pursuing to improve people safety. America is here at home as well as international air traffic safety.”

It was also reported that airlines had to match passengers’ names and dates of birth to prove they were the same person listed on the vaccination certificate. The airline’s mission is also to ensure that the certification comes from a good location in the country that provides the vaccine.

Most importantly, immunization travelers must meet CDC’s complete immunization specifications, then immunization product, number of vaccines received, date of administration, location (eg vaccination hospital, health center) vaccination.