One of the tallest statues of Jesus in the world is located in the city of Encantado in Brazil. It’s long been in the news for a giant statue of Jesus even taller than Christ, the famous savior of Rio de Janeiro! According to reports, Encantado has now completed this task.

Work on the Christ Defender was reportedly completed on April 22 in Encantado, in the southernmost Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul. And if reports backfire, the new statue stands at a height of 141 feet, while the Rio statue is tall. at 125 pm.

Referring to this, Robison Gonzatti, vice president of the association that sponsored the statue, said it was the largest Christ in the world.

Although work on this project started in 2019, it is funded by local companies in the area. Created by artist Markus Moura from the Brazilian state of Ceará, the sculpture was built on a hilltop overlooking the city and is constructed of concrete on top of a metal structure.

Although work on the sculpture has been completed, its complex has yet to be completed, which is expected to open at the end of the year. The statue has a heart-shaped balcony on its chest, 40 m above the ground. This point allows visitors to see the magnificent views of the countryside.

If reports are to follow, more than 50,000 people, including visitors from 21 countries, have already visited this page. And the idea is to build it as a complete tourist complex that includes tourist attractions, a restaurant, shops, and a space in the heart of the complex to welcome visitors.