The transportation and operations industry was the first group to be affected by the Covid-19 disaster and to experience the biggest threat to the Indian industry. So the surgery industry saw this journey. According to Kanika Tekriwal of Jet Set Go Aviation: “When we reviewed the safety of people during seizures, people who wanted to choose private jets offered us evidence of a nine-fold increase, sort 70 percent of Jet Set Go members. Visitors to India. Know that he works away from home.

How secret jet aircraft are made auxiliary sites not only for their owners but also for tickets?

Jet Set Go is based on clarity of mind and scope of aviation search but also removes two of the main problems facing India’s aviation industry – creating an independent aircraft as a pilot, not a place of war.  Owners, while significantly reducing the cost of aircraft flights. We have accomplished these tasks with a combined knowledge of technology, management system development, and our SMART management (Jet Set Go). These technologies help us reduce repair costs, extend air time and shorten the ground time, making it an important business for us and our flight partners. Thanks to the successful screening of events, all will significantly reduce air travel costs, thus making it easier to reach the public.

How big is India’s private jet market as a region?

When Private Jet Set Go entered the independent aviation industry in 2014, it was still young, adequate aircraft were considered the most expensive systems allowed only for HNI and HNI. Thus, times have changed in recent years and the popularity of individual jets as a transportation system in India is growing rapidly. Part of this is caused by illness and growing concern about the safety of passengers during the crisis. Private According to a recent report, there were 1,550 million miles (1,550 km) of air routes, 72 unplanned, and 680 flew nationwide, about 125. Although flights could start slowly as India opens the all roads locally and around the world, travel remains a safety concern ’. Private Indian tourists are looking for ways to apply equally to foreigners in the stadium. Thus, such passengers were assisted by independent ships and aircraft. This has led to the growth of India’s larger jet markets as many people have chosen non-commercial aircraft due to the Private Covid-19 crisis and the unstable air traffic flow. Only HNI and UHNI rights. Consumer behavior has changed and private organizations are also seeing positive population growth. Private Jet Set Go itself has seen a six-fold increase in the number of publications since the beginning of the revolution, to seventy paper words.

What is the reason for the rise of books and how are you preparing for that leap?

The increase in the number of orders can be caused by obvious reasons, such as the minimum number of calls a person can receive. Secrets are considered safe and healthy and are often a great option for those currently looking for the safest options. The industry continues to have great evidence of revitalization as people begin to rely on the purpose of visitation and recovery for their safety and well-being. We are also waiting for the first person to travel by plane. Due to the high safety level of an independent jet, some commercial pilots have become independent jets. This is because we have hidden democracy and made it available to all who value time and prosperity. The growing number of problems and tensions caused by flying makes it unclear exactly what is flowing, and this is leading to increasing demand for independent aircraft. In the current context, this is a step forward for Jet Set Go to consider acquiring more flights with well-maintained models due to long-term customer contracts. In the meantime, more is needed to supply. Due to lack of supply, we must lose about 50-60 percent of customers. So we build boats.

How intense is the competition in this area?

We brought three main life forms into the independent segment: uniformity, beauty, and transparency, and we now know that our “competitors” follow both. To make the game work, we removed the lack of information (which has existed for years or not for decades) and digital knowledge and materials. We quickly caught them all; the competition was fierce at first, but this was normal. We are currently the only company in India with the largest share in the private sector and 98% satisfaction. Our male messengers are reliable proof of the quality and stability of our services.

You mentioned earlier that 70% of visitors are new documents, confidential information not only for the rich, even in the rivers between the rivers. Covid flies to their homes. Option Do you have this change in your client?

For the first time, we’re seeing applications from beginners, non-wealthy or non-commodity people, or the first group. At the start of Covid-19 last year, we saw many applications from parents of children who attended schools or colleges in different countries or countries, as well as from families who had left the house. Many applications for international borders are processed as many Indians send their children to study in these countries. There is also a high demand for seniors or seniors involved in different parts of the country/world. We also received similar requests from young business owners who visited shopping malls and got pregnant who wanted to go home.

We have recently increased the burden of penalties agreed internationally, still agreeing to day-to-day recreational requirements not only for UHNI and HNI but also for small citizens. So we are confident that we will see a lot of change in our consumer crisis over the past year, and private flights are not limited to the rich and celebrities of India, but also to those who spend the money saved. . In safe places.