The way we use to travel has changed a lot thanks to Covid, and the chance of things getting back to normal is quite difficult not only today but also in the coming years. So now it’s time for us to learn how should we travel in this new normal.

From packing your luggage to planning your stay everything has changed during this period, also many experts say that it is better to avoid travel. Still, international travel has been opened in many countries including America. 

If you want to travel abroad like almost 7 million other tourists in 2021, then you should read our article. We will share with you useful tips and information about how you can travel abroad in this new normal.

International Travel Guidelines



Not only international travel but even if you want to travel in the same country vaccination is very important. Not only from the point of view of traveling but you should get vaccinated for your safety and the safety of your loved ones.

Only some countries have the privilege of welcoming travelers who are not vaccinated and seek international travel. Countries like the United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Portugal, Croatia, Italy, and the Maldives are some countries among those that allow Non Vaccinated travelers in the country.

*NOTE THAT- The guidelines of each country stated above changes from time to time so it is recommended to check the countries status before planning a trip to any of the above-listed countries.


RTPCR Report

Similar to vaccination a negative RTPCR report is also necessary to travel any country, these restrictions have taken place due to the increasing number of patients and to keep their country safe from foreign visitors.

Unlike vaccination, there are only a few countries that allow visitors to enter their border without a negative report Mexico is one of those counties that has almost no travel restrictions even with almost 5 million cases.



Now ever since the launch of the vaccine, many counties have dropped their quarantine rules and are letting people enter the country without any quarantine. But still some countries have not changed their quarantine policy.

Like in Austria if you don’t have an RTPCR negative report they would do it for you but you would require to stay in quarantine in their quarantine center.

And Bangladesh on the other hand even if you’re fully vaccinated and have a Negative RTPCR report you still need to go in-home quarantine for almost 14 days.

So before packing your bag for any county you should be prepared for quarantine as any law could change at any moment.

So these were some of the major International travel guidelines now let us see some other basic personal safety tips and for some county the basic requirements when you move around in that nation.



Yes, masks still play an important role when you move around in abroad many countries have issued fines for people who don’t wear a proper mask on the streets. Not only for the sake of saving yourself from the fine but you should still wear a mask to protect yourself from COVID-19.


Another small thing that could save you sanitizing your hands is quite important as it can play a crucial role in your health and also protect you from the virus. Even though it is not compulsory to have it with you while traveling in any country, you should keep sanitizer with you for your safety.

So these are some of the things which you should do or carry while traveling whether it’s international or national.

Relax in vacation

Travel destination for you International travel list

So now after knowing about our tips and seeing the basic rules for international we assume that you would travel abroad with Vaccination and a negative RTPCR report so here are some Destinations for your travel.

United Arab Emirates

With minimal travel restrictions and a whole new world to explore UAR should be there at the top of your list, not only that this country likes everything big the from the tallest building to the biggest amusement park in the world you would find everything big here.

That’s why I see no reason to not have UAE on your travel list. The only downside here would be as this nation is in the middle of the desert there is no snow here. 

So if you are someone who loves mountains hiking and playing in the snowfall UAE is not for you but wait there is more on our list for you guys.


The delicious food that you find in Italy is just awesome people come here not only for the food but the scenic view and many other fun activities for you and your loved ones.

From beautiful beaches to stunning mountains, you can find what pleases your heart here in Italy. Now, what is stopping you from coming here?

United States of America

Well, what can I say about this county this country has more than what you could even imagine, from casinos in Vegas to Hollywood in California you name it this country has it. Many people dream of coming to the US whether it’s for Job purposes, travel, or education this country has it all.

Some popular destinations here would be the Statue of Liberty, Mount Rushmore if you want to connect to nature the beaches in Miami are for you, similarly the Yellow stone natural park with big valleys and many things to explore. You name it USA has it.

So these are some of the popular destinations for your travel list.


The scenario of traveling has changed drastically since the pandemic came into action, and the chances of this getting back to how they were previously are quite low. So it’s better for everyone to know and adapt how you should travel in this New Normal.