The world is becoming increasingly vulnerable, so the health and safety of business travelers are at the top of the list.

According to an Ipsos Mori survey in 2017, 72% of transport agencies and immigration officials believe that security and safety risks have increased over the past year, while 80% of organizations have improved roads due to health problems or safety concerns. And again more than half of companies believe that the health risks and direct travel of business travelers will increase over the next 12 months, with the same number of organizations increasing their cost reduction.

The company’s responsibility to ensure the health, safety, and well-being of their employees, wherever they work, is a legal requirement in many countries.

And what should immigration authorities do to contact more traffickers?

Our approach has six practical steps to follow as you prepare to reduce your risk of migration.

Employers’ obligations

Employers’ obligations are vast. It includes clearly defining jobs by conducting risk assessments, monitoring the safety of employees and employees who do not work long hours and protecting employees from harassment, harassment, or harassment. Discrimination. These same conditions apply to commercial travel agents, anywhere in the world. Criminal penalties range from standard sentences to high prison sentences.

Not surprisingly, the concept of Traffic Risk Management (TRM) changed dramatically in the decade after the Commercial Assassination Act came into force. The growing global threat, along with natural disasters around the world, has forced companies to increase their efforts to protect their employees. It is modest. And it depends on the threat.