Witch International Airport (NIA) will be operational within three years and will handle 1.2 million passengers annually in a broader and more integrated manner. The government also approved a plan for a major airline. As mentioned, it will reach more than 7 million drivers over a guaranteed period – 40 years – during the two-phase extension of the fourth phase.

According to reports, Zurich Airport International AG has drawn up a plan and ratified the final agreement for the reconstruction of Noida International Airport (NIA) travel in Jeewar, Uttar Pradesh. The project was suspended by DGCA, BCAS, AAI, and environmental authorities. According to reports, the master plan is designed to meet the requirements in two phases of the cycle over 40 years. However, the government of Uttar Pradesh hopes to expand these and the five spiritual routes in the future.

The master plan is described in four sections, and the authorities estimate that in the first phase, about 12 million airlines will be available each year, with a population of about 70 million. – walk before stage IV.

According to reports, NIA’s central law also includes the company’s general aviation services, including the General Aviation Center, the VVIP terminal, and helicopter taxpayers. The airport will be equipped with modern equipment that meets the requirements of national governments, the use of helicopters, and private aircraft.