Jamaica welcomes American Airlines with a new flight from Philadelphia International Airport.

The first flight to Kingston’s Norman Manley International Airport (KIN) arrived early.

This route will provide a good alternative for travelers from the northeastern United States to reach the island.

“We are thrilled to welcome this new service from our largest airline, American Airlines,” said Jamaican Director of Tourism Donovan White.

“This new flight to Jamaica from Philadelphia offers a great alternative for Caribbean visitors and visitors from the northeastern United States to visit the island.

“With so many immigrants living in this area, it will be easier for them now than ever to fly to Kingston.

“We thank the Americans once again for launching this project at the best time of the year to impact Jamaica’s high-quality visitors.”

According to Jim Tyrrell, the chief financial officer of Philadelphia International Airport, Kingston is an excellent destination for passenger demand.

Tyrell said: “As travelers continue their journey, the places we see most people traveling are those with sun, sand and beaches and people where they can visit families and friends.”

“Kingston has checked all the boxes.

“It’s beautiful and it’s one of the places family and friends go to in Philadelphia.

“Now they can get out of the city airport and go quickly to their friends on the beach.”

American Airlines’ non-stop flights to Kingston (KIN) now operate three times a week.

I work Monday / Thursday / Sunday from Philadelphia (PHL) departing at 9:40 am and arriving in Kingston at 1:32 pm.