The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) selected three Indian villages cities as the best tourist cities. Ladhpura Khas in Madhya Pradesh is located near the city of Orchha, one of the smallest cities. These are two other Indian villages: the town of Meghalaya in Kong thong and the village of Telochana in Pochampally.

Indian villages public tourism has been running since the National Tourism Association was established in the first province. The purpose of the program is to provide accommodation for foreign tourists, which is rare in the country.

Madhya Pradesh, Prime Minister Shivraj Singh on Twitter and wrote: “We are all proud that the city of Ladhpura Khas in Madhya Pradesh has been chosen as part of the new city for tourists ’. My love for the whole group of visitors helps in this important step. Keep doing what you do. “

The city of Meghalaya in the East Hasasi Mountains is called Whistling Indian villages. Jingwei Lawbei is probably best known for his culture, where he gives a song or songs to a child at birth. Other types of songs, such as Eeooow or Ooeeo, are a sign of childhood in later years and should be chosen.

People in the community have even ordered songs here!

Pochampally The city of Telangana is just a few hours away from Hyderabad and is sometimes called the capital of India Ikat. The city is located in the Algona area and is known for its dormitories. The town is full of houses that are well built and stunning to explore on foot. You can work with artists and be able to design series.

Sheo Shekhar Shukla, Deputy Secretary of Tourism and Culture of Madhya Pradesh, said of the election: “Over the next five years, 100 cities cannot be seen. Tourist visitors. Tamia, Panta National Park, Bandhavgarh National Park, Sanjay Dubr National Park, Pench and Kanha The National Park, among others.”