Maybe because I moved carelessly, I booked to stay with my family in the most harassing hotel in the United States and one of the most famous the Skirvin.

The Skirvin Hilton is a magnificent 14-story Art Deco property, the grandmother of Oklahoma City – a Waldorf Astoria type in the heart of America – from 1911 that lured Effie, a Prohibition-era waitress, to death with a son by the love of hotel founder WB Skirvin. Stories like that, like the tornado sweeping through the region, sweeping through the lobby of British Gothic hotels in the city and beyond, especially among NBA basketball teams who lived here before they played in Oklahoma City Thunder, only creak, groan, scream., incomprehensible screams and abuse.

“Effie is gloomy and sad and then there’s Effie who wants to bring her to Barry White’s music,” said Steve Lackmeyer, one of Skirvin’s authors, as we sat at the hotel’s Red Piano Bar. “And with the NBA it usually ranks second. This is the most legendary ghost story in Oklahoma City, if not in the entire state. Some celebrities claim to have a date on the horned Effie.”

Lakers forward Metta Sandiford-Artest, formerly known as Ron Artest, claimed that the ghost of love was attacked by Skirvin in 2016. In 2010, Ed Curry, a 295-pound seven-foot heartbeat for the New York Knicks, was beaten. throw. Skirvin spent most of his stay in the 5’9 space, defending 180-pound teammate Nate Robinson. Kyrie Irving, now with the Brooklyn Nets, plans to star in the ghost movie Skirvin.

“I don’t think she was harassed,” said Petra Germany, the current hotel-in-residence artist who makes cosplay weapons and armor. “I think the NBA players are just a handful of sissies.”

The words “HELP ME” are known to appear on abused bathroom mirrors

“People will tell us that the lights will flash at night or there will be an unexpected closet door or creaking door,” said Don Jackson, Skirvin’s director of sales and marketing. “A few ghost stories are going on around the hotel, but we prefer to stay away from them as they have never been proven to happen.”

I told Jackson that a guest I met who was attending a conference at the hotel claimed that his colleague found the words “HELP ME” written in the mirror mist after a shower. He replied, “We have had recent reports that the words may appear in the mirror.”

Other than Effie, this hotel has a colorful past. His first manager is said to have shot himself in 1913, a suicide that was later investigated as a homicide. The rigged roulette wheel and the piracy of the Prohibition put the firefighters in the style of the Wild West in the middle. In terms of hotel management, prominent former visitors – former US guests Dwight Eisenhower, Harry Truman, and Ronald Reagan, and Paul McCartney and Elvis Presley – are a truly glorious legacy of the property.

“The history and majesty of the Skirvin are on display,” said Skip Skip Chiefless. “He seems to be almost obsessed or obsessed with the DNA of everyone who was here and everything that happened in this special majestic place.”

“I’m a girl who sees her be believed,” said Kelsey Huber, the hotel’s express meeting manager, as she boarded the elevator. Growing up in a funeral home, he said he saw no evidence of paranormal activity in the hotel’s 10 years other than Mary Kay conference attendees who infiltrated the premises. “But never tell me …” he said while ringing the elevator bell.

For a deeper understanding of the hotel, I searched for Susan Riley, who until recently was an interior historian.

During Riley’s six-and-a-half years working at the hotel, she said she often heard children crying during her shifts, but she then realized that when the windy side door in Oklahoma opened, she cried from the banshee to brag.

Going up to the tenth floor, we didn’t want to succeed for a bullet hole near the elevator bank in one of several Wild West rifle types; when he was on the 11th floor, the “Do not trouble” sign on the door handle fell a little, probably due to the wind under the door. Riley told him it was said that a woman in a red dress, not always a ghost, was hiding in the hallway.

He said, “These actors are shaking,” he said, clapping his fingers, as we approached the Venetian room, the decorated ballroom. roof. “Worst job in this room.” He explained that he had not planned the party here, but returned the next morning to clean the table and the seating area. He asked if this could be explained by the increase in recent earthquakes.

Dr. Bryan Farha, a professor and director of applied studies at the University of Oklahoma City and author of Pseudoscience and Deception: Smoke and Mirrors of Paranormal Claims, told me that he investigated Skirvin in 2004 for ghosts.

My wife said she heard ghost smiles some nights

“I walked on any floor and nothing,” he said. “So I did it in awesome situations: before it was restored, it was hot enough to turn off the electricity, so a light bulb was the only visible way most of the time. However, it didn’t matter. Anyway. That’s it. Just an old restaurant, empty and cold. “

After my wife admitted to having had a good night’s laughter, Tanya McCoy, a hunter-gatherer who founded the Oklahoma Paranormal Society – which offers dinner mysterious murders and spirits roaming the state – was and her husband came into our room to inspect.

“You can put your hand on the ground floor and be able to,” McCoy says. “This is stupid.”

McCoy grabs the phone while using the GhostTube SLS app to capture a list of green pictures sitting on a stroller, which the naked eye can’t see. A ghost, he said, was sitting in our stroller. My daughter is sleeping in another room.

McCoy has been scrutinizing what he is saying, as he recently suffered from a record in his title book shortly after he collapsed at the door of Raven’s, his occult shop. “Maybe it’s the result of the devil,” he said.

Uses instruments to monitor electromagnetic field (EMF) and record electronic signal (EVP): periscope for electrical tracking, a device used by firefighters to detect hot spots as well as PEM REM and Geo Pod (to detect traces of the body. legs). ).

Upon entering the hall, her husband McCoy quickly opened up the hunting Ghost which, she says, allows spirits to connect at different times and carefully communicate in gentle language through in the text box. She searched the room with her phone to see the images.